Monday, March 31, 2014

cutting to the chase, whatever that means

what if we dared cut straight to the chase
and let life be our teacher?

life doesn't care for my preferences
there's no teacher like life to shred the beautiful veil
to the holy of holies
to what is real
to the only choice
to love.

thunder rolls through the heart
as a prelude for the deluge
of this gift.

mind grapples all the way
to its eventual surrender
and I am left
and grateful
without knowing why.

Saturday, March 15, 2014

nourishing above and below

she lies on the earth
with her ear to the ground

the sun is on her back
the moon in its fullness
lies below the surface

if you will,
a seed growing fine white roots,
and a sprout begins to grow
up into her ear.

the new enters her body
from below.

she will be woven and dressed
by a filigree of white roots,
winding stems,
blossoms and fruits.

her body will be used to nourish what she came to be.

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

i never know

i never know
i only ever describe.

some loud voice keeps reprimanding me that
i thought
i knew
any thing.

and tonight,
well, you know the drill...
i replied.

i have been in relationship
to every thing
for ever.

i have created and destroyed
i have given away and sold what i love
i have been madder than hell
and madder than a hatter, too.

I am the one who still cares.
and I am the one who gives herself the space needed to rediscover care.

Thursday, March 6, 2014

waking up to the sweetness

i had sight of a memory this morning
one that used to cause me such pain
to remember

one that was birthed out of an earlier time
in order to see exactly what I was thinking
and how i created my experience,
then, then
and now.

in shock, left out, not chosen

this time i could feel laughter rising
of having put myself in this absurdly painful situation
and how every one else played their parts
so perfectly.

waking up to the sweetness
of the honey
into the fire.