Monday, November 11, 2013

sharing the woods

I am sharing the woods with a hunter.

Taking my walk as the day came to its close
I noticed the path I have made was disturbed.

Seeing a tuft of deer fur in a tree to my left
I see another piece to my right.
they hung, stuck on small branches
by their once moist flesh.

I thought, 
what ?

It looks like a marker of sorts.
I peeled them off and tossed them into the woods.

Yes, this might annoy him,
and he is sure to explain their use.
(I have already unintentionally disturbed one shot.
Now I know the truck on the driveway means he is there.)

He has clomped through an otherwise quiet path.
We've meet and he is a careful and skilled man.

A hunter is sharing the woods with me.

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