I woke this morning wanting to take a walk in the woods instead of following my usual Sunday routine.
My favorite walk is through the Shenandoah National Park up to a small cemetery, which holds the memories of families who once lived on the mountain, before the park was created.
I choose something on the way to hold the focus of what I am ready to release.
I smile, thinking I am always seemingly working on something! And, yes, sometimes I just take a walk. The signals come whether I intend them to or not!
The rock I carried with me today was a small stone, with a white line in the middle, book marked on each side by three times the size of dark.
I had not taken this walk for many months.
I was ready to release a pattern I have allowed in my relationships, of not asking for what I need. I recognize the way I have given more and more and more in an unbalanced relationship or blamed myself for never giving enough.
I could never put my finger on it until now, that joy - in relationship - is participatory.
And it is fed with the truth.
So, I was ready to release this old pattern.
As the Star of David forms in the skies, I am putting a lot of energy and intention into creating, receiving and sharing joy in my life with others.
I had a good walk, putting my hands on the small spring that moves across the path. It was so cool. This coolness seemed to come from deep in the earth, it carried freshness into my body.
I ate wineberries along the way, my favorite wild summer berry.
I left the stone a top a grave ornament that stood in the sun, and walked the perimeter of the small graveyard.
I love the return walk to the base of the mountain, there is the feeling of release, of lightening and the gayatri mantra often accompanies me.
Along the final section of the path I saw a heart rock. About the same size as the stone I took with me, the face of this one was full white, with a dark back.
It felt like my desire's signal had been heard.
Shiva and Parvati are dancing for joy.